Saturday, March 8, 2008


The media ignores issues that are unknowingly important to the public, take both their stances on trade agreements like NAFTA.

They both agree that we need to get these other countries to adopt tougher environmental and labor standards to help American workers.

But what will this do for us really?

It will have these additional costs added to the price of things we buy from them; in short it causes an INFLATIONARY impact.

In addition it will not result in their workers getting paid higher wages so their workers will still not be able to afford US exports.

The labor standards they talk about are working conditions, hours in a work week and child labor standards, NOT FOREIGN WORKER'S WAGES.

As long as we have to compete with foreign wages our manufacturing base will continue to diminish; and universal healthcare is NOT enough of an impact to cause a swing in direction for our manufacturing base as the media allows Clinton to pretend.

Then there is the fact that all three of the front runners are pro amnesty which the media refuses to LABEL as INSOURCING and degrades US working class wages.

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