Friday, March 14, 2008


If only McCain, Obama, Clinton, or Bush had a brain when it comes to managing our economy into fairness and in favor of working class citizens. They seem to have fundraising and campaigning cloaked in rhetoric down well enough.

Even Romnay isn't in tuned with our economy as he is more capable of increasing profit margings and that means CHEAP LABOR WAS GOOD IN HIS OPINION UNTIL HE FLIP-FLOPPED INTO VAGUE OPPOSITON OF ILLEGAL ALIENS!

Things that are happening now are things like mortgages and other credited debt that have been sold long ago are now becoming worthless (no longer a decent return when they turn the APR into their currency) thanks to the destruction of our dollar.

China and Japan are sitting on a mountain of our debt that is declining and this worries me greatly as China is quickly building their military.

What would our image be if China took over that little island we are contractually obligated to defend? How about in the Muslim world when viewed alongside Osama's "paper tiger" declarations?

Also NAFTA AND CAFTA are ignored by all three front runners when it comes to the devaluation of the US greenback. Imports are slowing having the devalued dollars' caused inflation to creep onto the shelves of stores and Americans will need higher wages to pay the bills as these inflationary impacts also hit places like the supplies used by the electric company, and phone, and cable, and water, etc

Unfortunately the media dissected the fact that US working class wages are lower then what they should be thanks to the illegal aliens; and also that self employment opportunites have been lost as well due to the illegal aliens; but too many Americans got conned into thinking that the illegal aliens issue is a civil rights issue for the illegal aliens instead of the American worker.

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