Sunday, January 20, 2008


Social(ism) Security started after we had unfettered immigration into the USA and then the great depression hit.

Now it is a normal and accepted, but self bankrupting, program to help our seniors.

I hope you are familiar with my deportation plan for all the illegal aliens (give them a 12 month window to pronounce themselves and where they are working and then garnish wages pays their own way home; failure to pronounce themselves qualifies the illegal alien as a felon) because this would provide an opportunity to mend SS as well.

When the illegal aliens make their where-abouts known, they will also start paying taxes. Our govt could direct their full amount of taxes paid into the SS program to help increase solvency.

Also; should there be fines to companies found to have hired the illegal aliens during the deportation process, they could have their paid fines directed into SS helping achieve solvency as well.

As illegal aliens are deported, the welfare systems needed funding will have a reduction in needed monies and this reduction of needed money can then be shifted to be paid into SS (no raising taxes needed!).

Then of course the hard fight to forever stop politicians from raping the SS funds.

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