We need to better utilize the internet and establish free government supported education services online. The government needs to step in an ensure all colleges accept the online education credits to be acceptable by all colleges and universities.
We should also provide (maybe as early as 5th grade) 7th-12th grade online education for all legal citizens.
It costs less to run online schools than the traditional "brick & mortar" schools, a computer and internet service is cheaper than college today, it reduces today's overcrowding in public schools, and provides many more beneficial aspects to include helping reduce property taxes that pay for public schools over the long run.
It is time that we quit trying to place every American child into a "square hole" and allow gifted youngsters; or youngsters that need to work and help support themselves and families juggling work and school; the ability/opportunity to complete schooling at their own pace.
Sure some classes and education needs to be done in a lab or hands on, but those classes are fewer than the ones that can be done over the miraculous capabilies found on the internet; video, audio, massive people networking and meeting on message boards or chatrooms to discuss subjects, etc.
The governemnt needs to take the lead for the people and the future of our economy.
In addition, some topics/subjects could be placed into this free online education system and made available to every legal US citizen anytime throughout their lives; i.e foreign languages, history, mathmatics, etc.
Also, removing the illegal aliens improves our current public school system; so where was Romney, Huckabee, Clinton, Obama, Edwards, etc when amnesty was trying to be sold to the American people and 80% weren't buying the shovel-loads of amnesty poop?
We all know that Bush didn't and doesn't care about the negative impacts of illegal aliens, but all these candidates had already announced they were indeed running for president in 2008 (when the second attempt of amnesty was being written in secret from the public) and yet all failed to stand up for the children of legal Americans.
Why hasn't the media drilled these vast numbers of negative impacts from illegal aliens as a government scandal or at least widespread incompetence?
All these 2008 candidates should have to face their incompetence as the media is the first line of accountability for our government and not the voting booth, or else we need to hold elections every month!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Social(ism) Security started after we had unfettered immigration into the USA and then the great depression hit.
Now it is a normal and accepted, but self bankrupting, program to help our seniors.
I hope you are familiar with my deportation plan for all the illegal aliens (give them a 12 month window to pronounce themselves and where they are working and then garnish wages pays their own way home; failure to pronounce themselves qualifies the illegal alien as a felon) because this would provide an opportunity to mend SS as well.
When the illegal aliens make their where-abouts known, they will also start paying taxes. Our govt could direct their full amount of taxes paid into the SS program to help increase solvency.
Also; should there be fines to companies found to have hired the illegal aliens during the deportation process, they could have their paid fines directed into SS helping achieve solvency as well.
As illegal aliens are deported, the welfare systems needed funding will have a reduction in needed monies and this reduction of needed money can then be shifted to be paid into SS (no raising taxes needed!).
Then of course the hard fight to forever stop politicians from raping the SS funds.
Now it is a normal and accepted, but self bankrupting, program to help our seniors.
I hope you are familiar with my deportation plan for all the illegal aliens (give them a 12 month window to pronounce themselves and where they are working and then garnish wages pays their own way home; failure to pronounce themselves qualifies the illegal alien as a felon) because this would provide an opportunity to mend SS as well.
When the illegal aliens make their where-abouts known, they will also start paying taxes. Our govt could direct their full amount of taxes paid into the SS program to help increase solvency.
Also; should there be fines to companies found to have hired the illegal aliens during the deportation process, they could have their paid fines directed into SS helping achieve solvency as well.
As illegal aliens are deported, the welfare systems needed funding will have a reduction in needed monies and this reduction of needed money can then be shifted to be paid into SS (no raising taxes needed!).
Then of course the hard fight to forever stop politicians from raping the SS funds.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Step one: Deport the illegal aliens. Doing this makes wages increase (not CEO wages!) and causes an economic boom for self employment (not self employment at the pay rates of Bill Gates, but still a nice way to earn a living!). As workers leave jobs in sectors such as retail, construction, and others to venture self employment the larger companies who employ workers will have to offer better wages and benefits to attract and retain employees. This is based on economic fundamentals of "supply and demand" which also applies to labor and not just products. It can also be described as "Trickle Up Economics".
Step two: Legislate a price regulation for electricity costs and cause a (give or take) 20% increase for larger businesses and a (give or take) 20% reduction for residential electrical costs. This pushes businesses towards investing for GREEN energy solutions to save money in the long run and thus helps snowball this new economic sector into lower costing reach for business and residential citizens that do not yet have the deep pockets to afford current high prices of green solutions.
Step three: Re-establish the automotive industry. Do not allow foreign auto makers to produce cars to be imported into America but instead mandate that they make all automobiles have the first 25% and final 40% of manufacturing to be done inside the USA's borders. Exclusively allow lower earning Americans to buy "low-cost" foreign produced automobiles and regulate the cost of these low-cost foreign made automobiles to not exceed an excessive mark-up % of the total production and shipping costs.
IMO; salvaging the auto industry manufacturing base is critical for national security. Not just from terrorism but also in the event that Communist China decided to attack. Our manufacturing base is what helped win WW2.
Step two: Legislate a price regulation for electricity costs and cause a (give or take) 20% increase for larger businesses and a (give or take) 20% reduction for residential electrical costs. This pushes businesses towards investing for GREEN energy solutions to save money in the long run and thus helps snowball this new economic sector into lower costing reach for business and residential citizens that do not yet have the deep pockets to afford current high prices of green solutions.
Step three: Re-establish the automotive industry. Do not allow foreign auto makers to produce cars to be imported into America but instead mandate that they make all automobiles have the first 25% and final 40% of manufacturing to be done inside the USA's borders. Exclusively allow lower earning Americans to buy "low-cost" foreign produced automobiles and regulate the cost of these low-cost foreign made automobiles to not exceed an excessive mark-up % of the total production and shipping costs.
IMO; salvaging the auto industry manufacturing base is critical for national security. Not just from terrorism but also in the event that Communist China decided to attack. Our manufacturing base is what helped win WW2.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Deporting the illegal aliens would create a boom in small business opportunities doing "jobs Americans won't do" like in landscaping and housekeeping services that wealthier people actually won't do and could help spur our economy by paying more to have it done for them.
As well as cause other working wages to go up; like retail services and construction, etc.
For every business that has used illegal aliens was another business venture trying to do the same job or service within the legal limits of U.S. law but was being unfairly and illegally burdened chasing their own AMERICAN DREAM!
I would establish a national hotline for all illegal aliens to make there where-abouts known and who they are working for within a 12 month window. After the 12 month period, all illegal aliens found not registered will be treated as potential terrorists or drug/human smugglers. The others who willfully pronounced themselves would be given proper/basic consideration to have their wages garnished to pay for their own way home, and we also consider allowing families with children under six years of age to stay and get vaccines before returning as a family to their parent(s) homeland when the child(ren) turn six.
I also say we should finger print and document DNA of all illegal alien's children born in the USA for records that would allow these children born in the USA to return as LEGAL immigrants when they turn 18 years old.
As well as cause other working wages to go up; like retail services and construction, etc.
For every business that has used illegal aliens was another business venture trying to do the same job or service within the legal limits of U.S. law but was being unfairly and illegally burdened chasing their own AMERICAN DREAM!
I would establish a national hotline for all illegal aliens to make there where-abouts known and who they are working for within a 12 month window. After the 12 month period, all illegal aliens found not registered will be treated as potential terrorists or drug/human smugglers. The others who willfully pronounced themselves would be given proper/basic consideration to have their wages garnished to pay for their own way home, and we also consider allowing families with children under six years of age to stay and get vaccines before returning as a family to their parent(s) homeland when the child(ren) turn six.
I also say we should finger print and document DNA of all illegal alien's children born in the USA for records that would allow these children born in the USA to return as LEGAL immigrants when they turn 18 years old.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Where is the media on breaking down each U.S. economic sectors' wages in our economy?
Looks to me that the media seems too busy portraying most all 300 million legal American citizens as too shallow to look beyond a person's skin color and gender to give them a vote; I would still argue that we should closely examine every candidates religion though. (I am a Deist; FYI.)
What do the candidates have to say to single parents in regards to the illegal alien crisis?
A single mother without much college or less would face an enormous hurdle of maintaining a decent quality family environment in our economy when you also view the impacts from illegal aliens (remember they drive down working class wages through over competition).
Which candidate is currently standing in her corner? If you said a Democrat I would burst laughter into your face!
A single father (or statistically more likely a child support paying dad) who has little or doesn't have any college would also find the negative wage impacts from illegal aliens a LONG TERM drain on their family financial situaution; possibly resulting in fewer affordable visitations with the child(ren) depending on the geography of his/her/their situation.
These are the sorts of impacts that UNARGUABLY have long term negative impacts on the families with (or without) children growing up in our country; and the candidates did not stand up for these people when they first had the chance.
Unarguably but IGNORABLE!
This lack of action for the past two years really points to the quality (the complete lack of quality) these candidates bring to the table regardless of their EXPERIENCE.
I would trade experience of the political system for someone who could at least be "heads-up" about what is going on and the impacts on our workers.
McCain, Clinton, and Obama all voted for SECRETLY WRITTEN AMNESTY with near ZERO challenge from the national media.
One problem I see facing America is the inability to maintain a decent quality living standard on only one parents wages causing families to send both parents working just to survive and leaving the children lacking effective parenting during their upbringing.
Two working parents can create more tension and contribute to more divorces.
Two working parents can lead to eating more fast food and contribute to childhood obesity and diabetes.
These are just some issues dealing with wages and I for one am disgusted with the media's lack of depth in regards to political economic issues; especially negative impacts from illegal aliens.
I am okay with fettered immigration and have no problem voting for any ethnicity of either gender for President.
Just for the record; Clinton didn't make the economy good during the 90's, the NATURAL evolution of the computer and the internet did. It was the Clintons misjudgement of this natural economic evolution that began outsourcing and free-trade like NAFTA, and continues under G. W. Bush (CAFTA, and more recently the super highway some pretend isn't being planned) that goes mostly misunderstood by Americans thanks to a lack of correctiveness by the media.
Now besides outsourcing we also have INSOURCING doing service jobs that cannot be exported (but can be replaced through more evolution of technology; like self checkout counters at super markets and robotics in manufacturing, etc.) but seemingly the media doesn't really want to create a buzz word that internally works against multi-national corporate America as they like to use low waged services.
Just how does either the Democrats or Republicans plan on doing 12-20 million international background checks and how long would it take? It makes more sense, not just in an economic sense but in regards to national security too, to send the illegal aliens home.
Looks to me that the media seems too busy portraying most all 300 million legal American citizens as too shallow to look beyond a person's skin color and gender to give them a vote; I would still argue that we should closely examine every candidates religion though. (I am a Deist; FYI.)
What do the candidates have to say to single parents in regards to the illegal alien crisis?
A single mother without much college or less would face an enormous hurdle of maintaining a decent quality family environment in our economy when you also view the impacts from illegal aliens (remember they drive down working class wages through over competition).
Which candidate is currently standing in her corner? If you said a Democrat I would burst laughter into your face!
A single father (or statistically more likely a child support paying dad) who has little or doesn't have any college would also find the negative wage impacts from illegal aliens a LONG TERM drain on their family financial situaution; possibly resulting in fewer affordable visitations with the child(ren) depending on the geography of his/her/their situation.
These are the sorts of impacts that UNARGUABLY have long term negative impacts on the families with (or without) children growing up in our country; and the candidates did not stand up for these people when they first had the chance.
Unarguably but IGNORABLE!
This lack of action for the past two years really points to the quality (the complete lack of quality) these candidates bring to the table regardless of their EXPERIENCE.
I would trade experience of the political system for someone who could at least be "heads-up" about what is going on and the impacts on our workers.
McCain, Clinton, and Obama all voted for SECRETLY WRITTEN AMNESTY with near ZERO challenge from the national media.
One problem I see facing America is the inability to maintain a decent quality living standard on only one parents wages causing families to send both parents working just to survive and leaving the children lacking effective parenting during their upbringing.
Two working parents can create more tension and contribute to more divorces.
Two working parents can lead to eating more fast food and contribute to childhood obesity and diabetes.
These are just some issues dealing with wages and I for one am disgusted with the media's lack of depth in regards to political economic issues; especially negative impacts from illegal aliens.
I am okay with fettered immigration and have no problem voting for any ethnicity of either gender for President.
Just for the record; Clinton didn't make the economy good during the 90's, the NATURAL evolution of the computer and the internet did. It was the Clintons misjudgement of this natural economic evolution that began outsourcing and free-trade like NAFTA, and continues under G. W. Bush (CAFTA, and more recently the super highway some pretend isn't being planned) that goes mostly misunderstood by Americans thanks to a lack of correctiveness by the media.
Now besides outsourcing we also have INSOURCING doing service jobs that cannot be exported (but can be replaced through more evolution of technology; like self checkout counters at super markets and robotics in manufacturing, etc.) but seemingly the media doesn't really want to create a buzz word that internally works against multi-national corporate America as they like to use low waged services.
Just how does either the Democrats or Republicans plan on doing 12-20 million international background checks and how long would it take? It makes more sense, not just in an economic sense but in regards to national security too, to send the illegal aliens home.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Fair or Flat Tax tax scam
There are reasons for a direct lifeline between businesses and the IRS and it has to do with things like child labor laws, minimum wage, workers rights, and the need to have had a third (nuetral) party to better settle any disputes between the employer and employee about pay issues...to include overtime, child supprt, etc.
Who is going to go in and audit big corporations if the IRS is dissolved?
Huckabee, and Obama, and Clinton, and Edwards, and McCain are all typical OLD SCHOOL politicans that do not speak to the American people as if they had enough brains to realize that anything our government does going forward ALWAYS has a PRO's & CON'S; and that includes the Fair/Flat Tax or Universal Health Care.....
Why don't any of the politocoes talk to the American people as if we had intelligence and are capable to understand the issues and their impacts?
Who wants to have to go to court if their employer dicides to short them on some money? Wouldn't that sort of situation be nice to have already had the IRS making sure that employers do not default on THEIR OBLIGATIONS TO WORKERS RIGHTS?
Why is Huckabee happier about making propstitutes, drug dealers, and other illegal activity partakers to pay taxes instead of stopping these illegal activities? GUFFAW!
The way I see it today is that Corporate America uses the media most in favor of whichever candidate can best SELL PERCEPTION TO AMERICANS as corporate (multinational) America has issues they want to see get passed on BOTH THE DEM AND REP side of the aisle.
And as long as there are only two parties to choose from, well then it is only a matter of time for them (corporate multinational America) to get their way as there isn't any "valid" alternative choices they have to worry about.
ANd finally; YES, corporate multinational America WANTS UNIVERSAL HEATHCARE instead of having to provide health insurance as a benefit with employment. If anyone wathced the Rep debate that included the healthcare topic might have noticed they talked about INFLATIONARY aspects of healthcare costs but failed to mention illegal aliens AND G. W. Bush's FAILED lawsuit cap the Republicans passed that was supposed to stop healthcare inflation....
Who is going to go in and audit big corporations if the IRS is dissolved?
Huckabee, and Obama, and Clinton, and Edwards, and McCain are all typical OLD SCHOOL politicans that do not speak to the American people as if they had enough brains to realize that anything our government does going forward ALWAYS has a PRO's & CON'S; and that includes the Fair/Flat Tax or Universal Health Care.....
Why don't any of the politocoes talk to the American people as if we had intelligence and are capable to understand the issues and their impacts?
Who wants to have to go to court if their employer dicides to short them on some money? Wouldn't that sort of situation be nice to have already had the IRS making sure that employers do not default on THEIR OBLIGATIONS TO WORKERS RIGHTS?
Why is Huckabee happier about making propstitutes, drug dealers, and other illegal activity partakers to pay taxes instead of stopping these illegal activities? GUFFAW!
The way I see it today is that Corporate America uses the media most in favor of whichever candidate can best SELL PERCEPTION TO AMERICANS as corporate (multinational) America has issues they want to see get passed on BOTH THE DEM AND REP side of the aisle.
And as long as there are only two parties to choose from, well then it is only a matter of time for them (corporate multinational America) to get their way as there isn't any "valid" alternative choices they have to worry about.
ANd finally; YES, corporate multinational America WANTS UNIVERSAL HEATHCARE instead of having to provide health insurance as a benefit with employment. If anyone wathced the Rep debate that included the healthcare topic might have noticed they talked about INFLATIONARY aspects of healthcare costs but failed to mention illegal aliens AND G. W. Bush's FAILED lawsuit cap the Republicans passed that was supposed to stop healthcare inflation....
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